The Kids Corner!

What is Story Time at the Camden Library?

Story Time is a tradition of many years here at the library. Typically, our schedule is: 4-5 weeks in the Spring and 4-5 weeks in the Fall. On top of our "seasons", we also take part in some major Holidays! Including: Valentines Day, Easter, Mother's Day, Father's Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas!

We always start at 10am on Saturday mornings and end usually around 11am. We read 2-3 themed stories, take part in a craft and have our snack last. Snacks and Drinks are provided and usually follow the theme for that week.

Our schedule for each season/event is posted at the Library (with extra flyers to take home) a couple weeks ahead of time, as well as on this page and Facebook.

Children of all ages are welcome, from babies to teens!

Upcoming Story Time Events/Children's Programs:

Past Story Time Event Highlights:

Valentines Day Party!

Spring has Sprouted!

Blast off to Outer Space!

(Group Project)

End of Spring Season Story Time. (Group Project)

Magic in Nature! 

End of Fall Story Time 2024. Our Thankful Tree!